Cesky Krumlov bus station

(Cesky Krumlov main bus station)

The bus station in Cesky Krumlov is located about 350 meters from the town center.

Its exact GPS location is: 48°48'42.51''N, 14°19'22.25''E

As you can see on pictures below, the departure platforms are along one side of the bus station and each platform is labeled with a number.

Cesky Krumlov bus station - departure platforms

  • If you want to take a bus to Ceske Budejovice, search for number 0.
  • If you are looking for a bus to Kaplice, search for platform number 0.


When you are traveling to Cesky Krumlov from Ceske Budejovice, the first stop in Cesky Krumlov is usually "Spicak" - you can recognize it easily due to the platform with roof, which the main bus station does not have. The "Spicak" stop is a little bit further from the city center, but it might be closer to some hotels. The GPS location of Spicak bus stop is: 48°48'55.88''N, 14°18'57.09''E.

Map of the Cesky Krumlov bus station

How to get from bus station to town center

The shortest way from Cesky Krumlov bus station to town center is in the picture below:

CK Bus station

What does "aut.nádr." mean?

It is an abbreviation for "autobusové nádraží", which means "bus station" in Czech language.


Cesky Krumlov bus station - departure platformsCesky Krumlov bus stationCesky Krumlov bus stationCesky Krumlov bus stationCesky Krumlov bus stationCesky Krumlov bus stationCesky Krumlov bus stationCesky Krumlov bus station - waiting room


CK Shuttle
CK Shuttle - daily shuttle bus between Cesky Krumlov and Munich from 1000 CZK per personPension Ingrid - accommodation Cesky Krumlov

CK Shuttle - 302 Found


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